Again, i have to face the unpleasant course in here. well actually not that bad, but in terms of high price course, it can't give satisfaction as I predict before. A reason for me to put my butt here just because my attendance is in red threshold. so I will deal it today
Jul 27, 2010
Jul 23, 2010
Terima kasih malam...kutitipkan lelapku padamu.
Terima kasih siang...kubentangkan impianku seluasmu.
Terima kasih embun dan senja. kau jeda antara dua.
Terima kasih rasa...kau semua makna.
Jul 18, 2010
cost of production and competitive market
well, today.. i've already studied about microeconomics, a field of study that give me a snowball chance in this master program :D. i've read a big book of mankiw on chapter 13 up to 14. it's surprisingly, with no feeling of objection, i finished it. and because of that, let me summarize these chapters:
chapter 13.
basically, this chapter is discussing about the cost of production. as simplify, i defined cost of production as a sums of implicit and explicit cost. explicit cost is the cost that firm spend by its need to produce good and service, whereas implicit cost is the cost supposed to have by a firm/persons when they can do any other valuable thing compared to their actual activity. so, the accountants would just record the explicit cost, but the economist would include implicit cost to measure cost of production.
as we know, firms built in order to make a profit. to measures profit, the formula is:
profit = total revenue - total cost.
revenue is equal to price multiplied by quantity.
total cost could measured by the sums of fixed cost and variable cost.
thus, when you need to find an average of something here, just divide it with quantity (e.g: average total cost = total cost divided by quantity, etc)
in this chapter, the most important thing to understand is about conrad's curve, which separated by marginal cost (MC), average total cost (ATC), average variable cost (AVC) and average fixed cost (AFC). collision between MC and ATC would make a economic scale (between cost and quantity output).
the relationship between short run and long run average total cost can be seen by making a bathtub curve, which can shown a economies and diseconomies scale, includes constant return of scale.
chapter 14.
this chapter focuses on competitive market for the firms. there are 3 identical impact of competitive market:
1. so many buyers and seller in the market
2. and they're free to enter and exit from the market
3. while the good and serives that offered usually largely the same.
in competitive market i noted that price, average revenue and marginal revenue are at the same amount.
by doing a curve analysis we can see how the firms make a decisions whether to continue its business or shut down it. however, when the price is below the AVC curve, thus the firms have no choice but to shut down the businesss. but when price is between ATC and AVC, firms still have a choice to continue its business in order to cover the fixed cost. hence, the price is above the ATC cost, the business would be profitable.
i guess thats all the important matters that i've already learned. so, keep up.
chapter 13.
basically, this chapter is discussing about the cost of production. as simplify, i defined cost of production as a sums of implicit and explicit cost. explicit cost is the cost that firm spend by its need to produce good and service, whereas implicit cost is the cost supposed to have by a firm/persons when they can do any other valuable thing compared to their actual activity. so, the accountants would just record the explicit cost, but the economist would include implicit cost to measure cost of production.
as we know, firms built in order to make a profit. to measures profit, the formula is:
profit = total revenue - total cost.
revenue is equal to price multiplied by quantity.
total cost could measured by the sums of fixed cost and variable cost.
thus, when you need to find an average of something here, just divide it with quantity (e.g: average total cost = total cost divided by quantity, etc)
in this chapter, the most important thing to understand is about conrad's curve, which separated by marginal cost (MC), average total cost (ATC), average variable cost (AVC) and average fixed cost (AFC). collision between MC and ATC would make a economic scale (between cost and quantity output).
the relationship between short run and long run average total cost can be seen by making a bathtub curve, which can shown a economies and diseconomies scale, includes constant return of scale.
chapter 14.
this chapter focuses on competitive market for the firms. there are 3 identical impact of competitive market:
1. so many buyers and seller in the market
2. and they're free to enter and exit from the market
3. while the good and serives that offered usually largely the same.
in competitive market i noted that price, average revenue and marginal revenue are at the same amount.
by doing a curve analysis we can see how the firms make a decisions whether to continue its business or shut down it. however, when the price is below the AVC curve, thus the firms have no choice but to shut down the businesss. but when price is between ATC and AVC, firms still have a choice to continue its business in order to cover the fixed cost. hence, the price is above the ATC cost, the business would be profitable.
i guess thats all the important matters that i've already learned. so, keep up.
Jul 16, 2010
mario ferri
i've just read about man who did a crazy things in his life, he did it third times. first in italia vs holland, then in sampdoria, last in south africa. he is mario ferri. the one who trespassed a semifinal world cup between germany vs spain.
he suddenly became famous because of what had been written in his t shirt. there were a message to make a peace in the world, then a message to lippi (manager of italian football team) to put cassano (italian player) into the team, and how he was disappointed with a performance of his national team.
about this action, i also remember when national football team of indonesia against oman , there was also a trespasser named hendri mulyadi came to the field and disturbed the game.
i don't think it's a bad idea to represents your feeling. sometimes we need a "different ways" to express our feeling when no one listen. according to this case, i think i have to do a same things one day, or at least equal. :D
he suddenly became famous because of what had been written in his t shirt. there were a message to make a peace in the world, then a message to lippi (manager of italian football team) to put cassano (italian player) into the team, and how he was disappointed with a performance of his national team.
about this action, i also remember when national football team of indonesia against oman , there was also a trespasser named hendri mulyadi came to the field and disturbed the game.
i don't think it's a bad idea to represents your feeling. sometimes we need a "different ways" to express our feeling when no one listen. according to this case, i think i have to do a same things one day, or at least equal. :D
Jul 13, 2010
kisah malam
hanya malam yang tahu apa yang kulakukan untuk meraih mimpi.
dan hanya Tuhan yang tahu apakah mimpi ini bisa kuraih atau akan diganti dengan sesuatu yang lebih berharga.
kita lihat saja...
dan hanya Tuhan yang tahu apakah mimpi ini bisa kuraih atau akan diganti dengan sesuatu yang lebih berharga.
kita lihat saja...
Jul 5, 2010
Ceritanya presentasi
dan presentasi itu akhirnya selesai juga..
mari simak sedikit ringkasan buku Mankiw mengenai stabilization policy. siapa tau ada maniak yang berkenan membaca:
This chapter focuses on how policymakers respond to business cycle, whether they have to take an active role to stabilize the economy, or they remain passives. Thus, how policy makers acts in order to respond the changing in economic conditions, whether they have to use their discretion in responding to changing economic conditions, or they have to commit to following a fixed policy rules.
Should Policy Be Active or Passive?
Policy makers in the government view economic stabilization as one of their primary responsibilities. As we know, monetary and fiscal policy can exert a powerful impact on aggregate demand and thereby on inflation and unemployment. To many economists, the case for active government policy is clear and simple. Based on Great Depression experiences, it founds that how monetary and fiscal policy can prevent recessions by responding to these shocks. These types of economists consider it wasteful not to use these policy instruments to stabilize the economy.
Other economists are criticize the government’s attempts to stabilize the economy. Government should take a hands-off approach to macroeconomic policy. Some of their argument are Lags in the implementation and effect of policy, The difficult job of economic forecasting, Ignorance, Expectations through Lucas Critique, etc.
Lags in Implementation and Effect of Policies
Economic policymakers face the problem of long lags. Indeed, the problem is even more difficult because the lengths are hard to predict. These long and variable lags greatly complicate the conduct of monetary and fiscal policy. Economists distinguish between two lags that are relevant for the condut of stabilization policy: the inside lag and the outside lag. The inside lag means the time between a shock to the economy and the policy action responding to that shock. The outside lag means the time between policy action and its influence on the economy. A long inside lag is a central problem with using fiscal policy to economic stabilization. Because it’s include the legislative process that caused fiscal policy as imprecise tool for stabilizing economy. On the other hands, monetary policy has a shorter inside lag than a fiscal policy, because central bank can decide on and implement a policy change in less than a day. Monetary policy worked by changing the money supply and interest rates, which in turn influence investment and aggregate demand, but many firms are make investment plan far in advance. Economic stabilizers are designed to reduce the legs associated with stabilization policy.
The difficult Job of Economic Forecasting
Because policy influenced the economy only after a long lag, successful stabilization policy requires the ability to predict accurately future economic conditions. If we cannot predict the conditions, the we cannot evaluate whether fiscal or monetary policy should now be trying to expand or contract aggregate demand. Unfortunately, economic developments are capricious. One way forecasters try to look ahead is with leading indicators, it is a data series that fluctuates in advance of the economy. Another way to lok ahead is with macroeconomic models, which have been developed both by governments agencies and by the firms for forecasting and policy analysis. However, the validity of these predictions is only as good as the forecasters assumptions about the exogenous variables. One thing that we always keep in mind that these forecasts comes with a large margin of errors.
Ignorance, Expectations, and Lucas Critique
Economic is a young science an there are still much that we don’t know. Economics can’t be completely confident when they assess the effects of alternatives policies. These ignorance suggest that economists should be cautious when offering policy advice. If policy makers estimate the impact of any policy change, therefore, they need to know how people expectations will respond the policy change. Lucas criticize the traditional policy evaluation (standard macroeconomic models) doesn’t impact on expectations. Lucas leaves two lessons, first, that economist evaluating alternatives polices need to consider how policy affects expectations and thereby behavior. Second, that policy evaluation is hard, so economists should be sure to show the requisite humulity
Historical Record, Should Policy Be Conducted by Rule or Discretion?
from the historical we can viewed how important economics policy and its impact. But, the debate over macroeconomic history leaves no reasons. Let’s see how Great Depression treated by the government and the impact to unemployment, fiscal and monetary development. Hence, depending on one’s beliefs whether the Great Depression can be viewed as an example of why active monetary and fiscal policy is necessary or as an example of why it is dangerous.
The second debating is among economic policy should be conducted by rules or by discretion. Policy is conducted by rule if policymakers announce in advance how policy will respond to various situations and commit themselves to following through on this announcement, meanwhile policy is conducted by discretion if policymakers are free to size up events as they occur and choose whatever policy they consider in appropriate at time.
Policy conducted by rule has a weakness. That is distrust of the political process. Some economist leads to advocate placing economy policy outside the realm politics because of incompetence of political process and opportunism by politicians in economic policy.
Discretional policy is flexible, if the policymakers are reliable, this policy is very good in changing condition. But, the economists sometimes facing the problem of the inconsistency policy that made by policymakers. It caused a distrust to policy announcement. Time inconsistency usually happens by political process rather than economic process.the solution is to take away the policymaker’s discretion with a credible commitment to fixed policy rules.
demikian ringkasan ini saya sampaikan. oh ya, saya lupa bilang. ringkasan ini dapat menyebabkan kantuk dan kemaluan kecil.
semoga sukses
mari simak sedikit ringkasan buku Mankiw mengenai stabilization policy. siapa tau ada maniak yang berkenan membaca:
This chapter focuses on how policymakers respond to business cycle, whether they have to take an active role to stabilize the economy, or they remain passives. Thus, how policy makers acts in order to respond the changing in economic conditions, whether they have to use their discretion in responding to changing economic conditions, or they have to commit to following a fixed policy rules.
Should Policy Be Active or Passive?
Policy makers in the government view economic stabilization as one of their primary responsibilities. As we know, monetary and fiscal policy can exert a powerful impact on aggregate demand and thereby on inflation and unemployment. To many economists, the case for active government policy is clear and simple. Based on Great Depression experiences, it founds that how monetary and fiscal policy can prevent recessions by responding to these shocks. These types of economists consider it wasteful not to use these policy instruments to stabilize the economy.
Other economists are criticize the government’s attempts to stabilize the economy. Government should take a hands-off approach to macroeconomic policy. Some of their argument are Lags in the implementation and effect of policy, The difficult job of economic forecasting, Ignorance, Expectations through Lucas Critique, etc.
Lags in Implementation and Effect of Policies
Economic policymakers face the problem of long lags. Indeed, the problem is even more difficult because the lengths are hard to predict. These long and variable lags greatly complicate the conduct of monetary and fiscal policy. Economists distinguish between two lags that are relevant for the condut of stabilization policy: the inside lag and the outside lag. The inside lag means the time between a shock to the economy and the policy action responding to that shock. The outside lag means the time between policy action and its influence on the economy. A long inside lag is a central problem with using fiscal policy to economic stabilization. Because it’s include the legislative process that caused fiscal policy as imprecise tool for stabilizing economy. On the other hands, monetary policy has a shorter inside lag than a fiscal policy, because central bank can decide on and implement a policy change in less than a day. Monetary policy worked by changing the money supply and interest rates, which in turn influence investment and aggregate demand, but many firms are make investment plan far in advance. Economic stabilizers are designed to reduce the legs associated with stabilization policy.
The difficult Job of Economic Forecasting
Because policy influenced the economy only after a long lag, successful stabilization policy requires the ability to predict accurately future economic conditions. If we cannot predict the conditions, the we cannot evaluate whether fiscal or monetary policy should now be trying to expand or contract aggregate demand. Unfortunately, economic developments are capricious. One way forecasters try to look ahead is with leading indicators, it is a data series that fluctuates in advance of the economy. Another way to lok ahead is with macroeconomic models, which have been developed both by governments agencies and by the firms for forecasting and policy analysis. However, the validity of these predictions is only as good as the forecasters assumptions about the exogenous variables. One thing that we always keep in mind that these forecasts comes with a large margin of errors.
Ignorance, Expectations, and Lucas Critique
Economic is a young science an there are still much that we don’t know. Economics can’t be completely confident when they assess the effects of alternatives policies. These ignorance suggest that economists should be cautious when offering policy advice. If policy makers estimate the impact of any policy change, therefore, they need to know how people expectations will respond the policy change. Lucas criticize the traditional policy evaluation (standard macroeconomic models) doesn’t impact on expectations. Lucas leaves two lessons, first, that economist evaluating alternatives polices need to consider how policy affects expectations and thereby behavior. Second, that policy evaluation is hard, so economists should be sure to show the requisite humulity
Historical Record, Should Policy Be Conducted by Rule or Discretion?
from the historical we can viewed how important economics policy and its impact. But, the debate over macroeconomic history leaves no reasons. Let’s see how Great Depression treated by the government and the impact to unemployment, fiscal and monetary development. Hence, depending on one’s beliefs whether the Great Depression can be viewed as an example of why active monetary and fiscal policy is necessary or as an example of why it is dangerous.
The second debating is among economic policy should be conducted by rules or by discretion. Policy is conducted by rule if policymakers announce in advance how policy will respond to various situations and commit themselves to following through on this announcement, meanwhile policy is conducted by discretion if policymakers are free to size up events as they occur and choose whatever policy they consider in appropriate at time.
Policy conducted by rule has a weakness. That is distrust of the political process. Some economist leads to advocate placing economy policy outside the realm politics because of incompetence of political process and opportunism by politicians in economic policy.
Discretional policy is flexible, if the policymakers are reliable, this policy is very good in changing condition. But, the economists sometimes facing the problem of the inconsistency policy that made by policymakers. It caused a distrust to policy announcement. Time inconsistency usually happens by political process rather than economic process.the solution is to take away the policymaker’s discretion with a credible commitment to fixed policy rules.
demikian ringkasan ini saya sampaikan. oh ya, saya lupa bilang. ringkasan ini dapat menyebabkan kantuk dan kemaluan kecil.
semoga sukses
Jul 3, 2010
rumah bolong

kelas 3 SD saya pindah ke asrama tentara di daerah Ganting, Padang. Saya yakin, saat itu adalah keputusan besar yang diambil orangtua Saya setelah hampir sekian lama kami tinggal di rumah Kakak tertua Ibu saya. Barangkali ada perasaan bangga ketika pertama kali masuk kedalam rumah sederhana yang cukup panjang, namun tidak cukup lebar itu. kalau tidak salah, lebarnya hanya 3 meter. jadi, ruangan ditiap rumah itu cuma dibatasi sekat tembok. ruang pertama adalah ruang tamu, ruang kedua adalah ruang TV, sekaligus kasur bertingkat dan kursi set, padat yaa. kemudian ruang ketiga adalah kamar orangtua saya, dan ruang berikutnya kamar mandi dan dapur. rumah yang kecil untuk diisi oleh enam orang.
pertama kali tinggal disana, sangat aneh...aneh karena kami tidak terbiasa tinggal diluar rumah selain rumah yang dulu. saya ingat bagaimana pertanyaan konyol yang dikeluarkan oleh adik kedua saya: "ma, kita tinggal dirumah bolong ya??... :D"
disebut bolong karena lotengnya yang sudah bolong dimakan usia dan tidak ada pula yang ingin merenovasi karena itu fasilitas negara. Jadi, kami akhirnya menetap jua disana. saya ingat sekali. depan rumah itu tak berjendela, hanya diberi pintu udara dan kemudian diberi kawat nyamuk.
suatu ketika, saya pernah ditinggal sendiri dirumah yang notabene masih baru bagi saya. hingga sore saya disana, karena sendirian, masih kelas 3 SD, dan sekalipun tidak pernah ditinggal orangtua, maka tepat azan maghrib, mengalir air mata saya, menangis. menangis hingga dilihat para tetangga yang hanya berbatas satu tembok saja.
saya merasa seperti anak yang hilang ketika itu.
pertama kali tinggal disana, sangat aneh...aneh karena kami tidak terbiasa tinggal diluar rumah selain rumah yang dulu. saya ingat bagaimana pertanyaan konyol yang dikeluarkan oleh adik kedua saya: "ma, kita tinggal dirumah bolong ya??... :D"
disebut bolong karena lotengnya yang sudah bolong dimakan usia dan tidak ada pula yang ingin merenovasi karena itu fasilitas negara. Jadi, kami akhirnya menetap jua disana. saya ingat sekali. depan rumah itu tak berjendela, hanya diberi pintu udara dan kemudian diberi kawat nyamuk.
suatu ketika, saya pernah ditinggal sendiri dirumah yang notabene masih baru bagi saya. hingga sore saya disana, karena sendirian, masih kelas 3 SD, dan sekalipun tidak pernah ditinggal orangtua, maka tepat azan maghrib, mengalir air mata saya, menangis. menangis hingga dilihat para tetangga yang hanya berbatas satu tembok saja.
saya merasa seperti anak yang hilang ketika itu.
Jul 2, 2010
selamat pagi. pada atas teras dan ujung jendela kukatakan...aku memiliki perasaan yang baik tentang hari ini.
Jul 1, 2010
Wonosari dan Pantai...

Jika mendengar Wonosari, yang benar-benar terlintas dibenak saya adalah kota kecil, yang entah dimana, entah apa yang kota ini punya, dan entah pantas kota ini dijadikan objek wisata.
Ternyata apa yang saya pikirkan mengenai Wonosari salah. Wonosari boleh dibilang sebagai Kota pantai yang terhitung "perawan" :P.
Awalnya hanya dari gosip mulut kemulut yang dihembuskan beberapa teman mengenai indahnya pantai tersebut. gosip tersebut lambat laun menjadi mitos seiring tidak adanya realisasi rencana perjalanan kesana. Namun takdir jua yang membawa saya dan teman-teman kuliah kemari. Berawal dari ulang tahun seorang rekan kuliah (sebut saja namanya abah) yang dengan sedikit "terpaksa" kami bujuk untuk mengeluarkan barang sedikit kekayaannya dengan tujuan menyewa mobil untuk jalan-jalan ke wonosari. walhasil, didapat mobil sewaan dengan kapasitas besar dan biaya murah meriah (Kia Travello: sehari 350 ribu+supir, For this kind of car, it pays very I love jogja). si abah masih terhitung beruntung, jika ia merayakan ultah di jakarta, haqqul yaqin butuh budget minimal dua kali lipatnya.
bermodalkan pantat dan pakaian ganti, kami berempat belas naik mobil sewaan menuju wonosari. memang perjalanan menuju kesana agak membosankan (honestly, perjalanan Padang-Bukittinggi jauh lebih indah). kami menyempatkan sejenak sarapan setibanya di wonosari 2 jam kemudian. kemudian kami lanjutkan kembali perjalanan menuju pantainya.
Hampir sejam perjalanan da akhirnya kami tiba juga di pantai yang katanya....sekali lagi....katanya bagus.
ketika masuk kearea pantai, sungguh tidak meyakinkan bahwa pantai ini dikategorikan sebagai pantai yang indah, setidaknya saya mencoba membandingkan dengan pantai nusa dua. pantai yang pertama kali kami kunjungi adalah pantai BARON. setelah mobil diparkir, kami berjalan menuju Pantai tersebut.
pertama kali melihat lokasi nya, satu hal yang mendadak muncul, yaitu: THE BEACH. Pantai ini sedikit mirip dengan pipi island dimana leonardo dicaprio syuting film itu. hanya, terlalu banyak kapal nelayan yang parkir, serta aktivitas warga sekitar yang membuat pantai ini "turun kasta". tapi sejauh ini, cukup diluar dugaan.
pantai berikutnya adalah pantai Krakal, tidak jauh beda dengan pantai baron, dikelilingi oleh pasir putih dan batu-batu karang, meski tidak ada barisan kapal nelayan dibibir pantai, namun pantai ini tidak terlalu besar. grade pantai ini sedikit lebih bagus dari pantai baron.
tujuan kami berikutnya adalah Pantai Sepanjang. nah...inilah pantai yang sebenarnya kami cari, pantai dengan pasir putih terhampar luas, kemudian sepi pengunjung (lantaran jalan ke pantai ini tidak beraspal) dan ombak yang indah. bahkan ketika akan pulang, saya serta beberapa teman menyempatkan diri berenang dipantai itu. luar biasa, airnya pun jernih dan dingin. terik matahari pukul 14.00 juga masih kalah dengan dinginnya air laut.
Setelah lelah bermain pasir serta berenang, kami akhirnya pulang kembali ke jogja. syukurah tiba dengan selamat dan tidak kekurangan apapun.
dan Wonosari betul-betul awesome. selisih 2 angka dengan bali :D
beberapa hal yang saya catat mengenai Pantai di Wonosari:
1. pantai yang recommended: pantai sepanjang, tidak jauh dari pantai baron
2. harga makanan murah meriah, saya merasa tidak ditipu ketika makan disana *berbeda dengan pengalaman saya makan seafood di pantai cilacap.
3. siapkan pakaian ganti, karena pantainya sangat menggoda untuk berenang, hehehe...
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