Nov 18, 2015


Kita adalah orang asing ditanah kita sendiri, terbuang, tersingkir, Dan tersiksa oleh pemikiran sempit masyarakat. Biarkan...biarkan Dan biarkan. Karena kekerasan bukan pula jawaban. Rekatkan..rapatkan barisan pada gerombolan yang masih berjalan lurus, pada lingkungan terdekat, rangkul butiran yang masih teguh bersimpuh, Because the storm is about to come...

Nov 12, 2015

Art Gallery of NSW

The UQ, Brisbane

I've been amazed with the victorian architectures of this campus yet the modern touch is blended in it. UQ is one of the G-8 university with wonderful campus and vibrant atmosphere, you'll find a pub inside the campus or a cafe that might ease your brain after a long exhausted exams.
Campus's also provide great walking lines from the bus station or city cat harbor to main campus, you'll see the duck around the pond (really), or the sparkling jacaranda trees during your walking.
Well, it's been a remarkable experienced having short course in this campus while jacaranda's blooming.

I'm not surprised to know UQ has been top 50 university in the world.

Nov 11, 2015

Australian War Memorial, Canberra

The University of Sydney


The picture was taken on November 1, 2015 using my Redmi. I'ts such unfortunate to forget to bring my camera where I have enough time to explore Sydney...